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Mint – New Bridge City Tool HP-9 Dual Angle Block Plane Made In USA .


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Mint – New Bridge City Tool Dual Angle Block Plane Made In USA.

This thing is a work of art and is amazing to work with.

Dual Angle Block Plane Tool making as an art has never been more obvious than the form and function of the HP-9 Dual Angle Block Plane. This beautifully crafted, dual-angle block plane has several distinguishing features making it one of the most interesting products in our thirty-two year history.We have pioneered a new way to build a block plane which allows for an iron with dual edges; one ground primarily for end grain (42 degree attack angle) and the other for general purpose use (47 degree attack angle). We believe the HP-9 Dual Angle Block Plane is the most versatile block plane available today–one plane body with one iron equals two planes.The quick action blade clamp we pioneered with the introduction of the HP-7 Shoulder Plane makes for an unusually practical plane design ergonomically. By eliminating the traditional cross pin found in most antique and contemporary metal bodied planes, we were able to design the body to fit hands of all sizes. The solid stainless investment cast rear tote fits palms perfectly.The solid stainless steel sole with adjustable throat will serve multiple generations easily. The precision machined aluminum sides and blade clamping mechanism help lower the center of gravity of the plane – it is simply one of the most comfortable and fun to use planes ever made.In use, the iron is adjusted with a modified Norris mechanism allowing for extremely fine blade advancement–one full revolution of the lead screw changes depth of cut by .03mm/.0013″. Skewing the blade is accomplished by leveraging the sleek lead screw “knob” either left or right but in practice, it is our preference to make lateral blade adjustments through the sides of the body.

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